The easy, fast & fun way to learn how to sing: 30DaySinger. Mind Ya Business lyrics: Dam I wish you peoples would just mind your business Dam I wish you peoples would just mind your business You wanna know whats. Because of the exposure that the song received on that show, "Orange Colored Sky" has been said to be one of the first songs to become a hit through television exposure. No set of long talk Drink Water and Mind Yuh BusinessDirected & Chopped By Lord EditCreative Director - Ricardo DrueCamera Operator - Jimelle HenryStream h. Jerry Lester was the host of the late-night NBC series Broadway Open House, on which co-writer DeLugg was musical director.

It first reached the Billboard Best Seller chart on Novemand lasted one week in the chart, peaking at number 30. The recording by Jerry Lester was released by Coral Records as catalog number 60325. (Some sites list a 1945 date for this recording, but this is apparently in error.) The first known recording was on Jon KING records catalog number 15061, with Janet Brace singing and Milton Delugg conducting the orchestra. It first reached the Billboard Best Seller chart on Septemand lasted 13 weeks on the chart, peaking at number 11. That recording by Nat King Cole was recorded on Augand released by Capitol Records as catalog number 1184. Yu Shud Try it fypsss guyanesetiktoker DrinkLotsOfWater. The best-known version of the song was recorded by Nat King Cole (with Stan Kenton's orchestra), but a number of other singers have recorded it, including Cole's daughter, Natalie. 41 Likes, TikTok video from B A C K A Z Z (bossladyofficial00): '-DRINKING WATER & MINDING MY BUSINESS. "Orange Colored Sky" is a popular song, written by Milton DeLugg and Willie Stein and published in 1950.